\n \n \n \n Search Invoice No.\n
\n\n \n \n \n
\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Category Totals\r\n
\r\nInvoice Control
\r\nJobs Invoiced | \r\nInv. Amount Ex GST | \r\n
{{ assessment.subQuoteNo === 0 ? 'Main' : `Supp-${assessment.subQuoteNo}` }} | \r\n{{ $filters.formatCurrency(assessment.invoicedAmount, $userInfo.locale) }} | \r\n
Void Invoice
\r\n\r\n Are you sure you want to void the invoice? Proceeding will result in voiding invoice/s: \r\n {{ bindedInvoicesString }}\r\n
\r\nInvoice Print Options
\r\n\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
Category | \r\n\r\n {{ assessment.subQuoteNo === 0 ? 'Main' : `Supp-${assessment.subQuoteNo}` }}\r\n | \r\n1\"\r\n class=\"has-text-right is-subtotal\">\r\n Summary\r\n | \r\nMain | \r\n
Total excl. GST | \r\n\r\n {{ getAssessmentTotal(assessment) | formatCurrency($userInfo.locale) }}\r\n | \r\n1\"\r\n class=\"has-text-right has-text-success\">{{ getGrandAssessmentTotal() | formatCurrency($userInfo.locale) }}\r\n | \r\n{{ 0 | formatCurrency($userInfo.locale) }} | \r\n
GST | \r\n\r\n {{ getAssessmentTotal(assessment) * (value.gstRate/100) | formatCurrency($userInfo.locale) }}\r\n | \r\n1\"\r\n class=\"has-text-right has-text-success\">{{ getGrandAssessmentTotal() * (value.gstRate/100) | formatCurrency($userInfo.locale) }}\r\n | \r\n{{ 0 | formatCurrency($userInfo.locale) }} | \r\n
Total incl. GST | \r\n\r\n {{ getAssessmentTotal(assessment) * (value.gstRate/100) + getAssessmentTotal(assessment) | formatCurrency($userInfo.locale) }}\r\n | \r\n1\"\r\n class=\"has-text-right has-text-success\">{{ getGrandAssessmentTotal() * (value.gstRate/100) + getGrandAssessmentTotal() | formatCurrency($userInfo.locale) }}\r\n | \r\n{{ 0 | formatCurrency($userInfo.locale) }} | \r\n
\r\n {{ getDisplayName(itemType.itemCategoryType) }}\r\n | \r\n{{ getAssessmentTotal(assessment, itemType.itemCategoryType) | formatNumber($userInfo.locale) }} | \r\n1\"\r\n class=\"has-text-right\">\r\n {{ getGrandAssessmentTotal(itemType.itemCategoryType) | formatNumber($userInfo.locale) }}\r\n | \r\n{{ 0 | formatNumber($userInfo.locale) }} | \r\n
Invoice Control